. . . which is about when I last posted.
The news today is that I renewed my visa this afternoon, after signing a contract for a second year at my school. So it is official: I will be at my school until April 4, 2010.
It seems as if I just recently arrived, even though I have been here just a few days short of a year (April 7 will be my one-year anniversary).
Here are some highlights from the past two months.
I had two fun celebrations with different groups of friends. First, a bunch of us went to Our Place for Italian dinner and cocktails. Marysol, Valerie, Dana, Nicki (who is not in the photo because she took it, if memory serves), and her very cool parents helped me have a wonderful, wonderful time!
The following day some other folks went to a Korean Basketball League game and/or Mexican dinner at On the Border with me. Kathleen took those photos (thanks, K) and because of my formatting issues, you might not know who is who, but Kathleen, Lia, Heather, Sarah, Ryan, Val, Kimmy, HeeWon, and Deon were all there to make this a fun-tacular day.
By the way, I shared my birthday with Lunar New Year this year --- January 26, 2009.
Okay, Blogger won't let me add any more photos to this post, so I will start a new one . . .
Top to bottom:
1. Thanks for the puzzle-rifficness, Kathleen and Liam!
2. Val, Kimmy, and me
3. Me with Heewon and Deon
4. Me with Val, Heather, Sarah, and Ryan
5. Me with Kathleen and Liam
6. Marysol, Valerie, Dana, and Christina are in the back row, and Mary and Becky are in the front.
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